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Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2004-12-04 [長年日記]

_ 天気


_ 紅茶


_ TVの 世界の朝ご飯


とうぜん,番組なので色々と脚色されているであろう部分はありますが,割引いてみたとしても,興味深いものがありました.虚実の実はどごにある?って ヒネてるかなー...

_ EZ navi walk

hide3が紹介してくれている沖縄ソバ屋さん("http://fun.poosan.net/muranoki/okinawa/nishimura.html)をtalbyのEZ navi walkに登録.自宅からそこそこ近い.そのうち,いこっと

_ Think Pad USBトラベルキーボード ウルトラナビ付

IBM LOGOのついたUSBトラベルキーボード ウルトラナビ付(http://www.plathome.co.jp/detail.html?scd=11650561)を買っておくべきがもと,いう話しをircにてすこし.

_ OpenSource論

今日は,実習の2回目.OpenOffice.orgおよび,mozillaでex.media.osakas-cu.ac.jpのweb mailについてアクセスしてもらった.

_ ばんごはん




_ [OpenOffice.org][DPiS] openoffice.org-dev - OpenOffice.org SDK - development files


OpenOffice.org is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office.

This package contains the files needed to build plugins/add-ons for OpenOffice.org (includes, IDL files, needed build tools...).

_ [OpenOffice.org][DPiS] openoffice.org-dev-doc - OpenOffice.org SDK - documentation and examples


OpenOffice.org is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office.

This package contains the documentation of the OpenOffice.org SDK:

  • C++/Java API Reference
  • IDL Reference
  • StarBasic and C++ examples
  • C++, StarBasic and Java examples from the Developers Guide

    (which is itself non-free and therefore in openoffice.org-dev-doc-nonfree)

_ [DPiS] ndiswrapper-source - Source for the ndiswrapper linux kernel module


Some wireless LAN vendors refuse to release hardware specifications or drivers for their products for operating systems other than Microsoft Windows. NdisWrapper makes it possible to use such hardware with Linux by means of a loadable kernel module that "wraps around" NDIS (Windows network driver API) drivers.

This package provides the source code for the NdisWrapper kernel module. Kernel source is required to compile this module.

_ [DPiS] ndiswrapper-utils - Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper

Some wireless LAN vendors refuse to release hardware specifications or drivers for their products for operating systems other than Microsoft Windows. NdisWrapper makes it possible to use such hardware with Linux by means of a loadable kernel module that "wraps around" NDIS (Windows network driver API) drivers.

This package contains the userspace tools. You will also need the kernel module package.

_ [DPiS] mozilla-opensc - Mozilla plugin for authentication using OpenSC

A plugin for mozilla that allows S/MIME and SSL authentication using OpenSC.

Card initialization can be performed by utilities in the opensc package.