Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
2009-06-08 [長年日記]
_ memo:ムダと一緒に捨てたもの
_ memo:libposix
っていう取り組み、他のlibcとの差別化予定は、(http://libposix.sourceforge.net/COMPARE)を参照とのこと。今のところは組み込みはターゲットじゃない。libposix is a bold attempt to unify the implementation of the core functionality of all Unix systems. libposix is:
- A full implementation of the POSIX 2008 standard
- A cross platform implementation, that should replace existing implementations of the system core libraries and unify the core Unix implementation for all systems
- An exact implementation of POSIX 2008 and nothing else (no extensions, no previous POSIX versions)
- An implementation that works well with possible extensions to the core system functionallity (ex: GNU, BSD)
- An implementation of POSIX written from scratch
- Free and open source software
The main goal of the libposix project is to successfully replace free Unix "libc" implementations with an implementation that is portable, conformant, easy to build, to cross-build, to use, to study and to mantain. Read more about libposix in the introduction page.
_ memo:Let's Noteに、シングルコア
低価格の波は来ているのだろうなと予想。パナソニック、実売15万円の低価格版「Let'snote R8」〜リード220MB/secのSSD搭載の直販モデルも(http://pc.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20090604_212428.html)