トップ «前の日記(2006-01-10) 最新 次の日記(2006-01-12)» 編集

Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2006-01-11 [長年日記]

_ gcc - visibility

visiblityの意味がよくわかってないのでメモ.(http://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility) ibm developers works 共有ライブラリーを解剖する(http://www-06.ibm.com/jp/developerworks/linux/050204/j_l-shlibs.html)

_ g++ 4.0 or later

Sparcでbuildするためのg++ 4.0なのか.本家はgcc 3.x推奨*1なのだが,対応するアーキテクチャーが多いと大変だ.
openoffice.org (2.0.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
  * OOo 2.0.1 final release.
  * ooo-build/*:
    - use ooo-build-2-0-1 branch
    - patches/src680/cws-unxlngs04.diff: backport upstream sparc build fix
      with g++-4.0 and remove g++-3.4 builddep on sparc (closes: #343011)
    - remove jurt patch introduced in 2.0.0-5 again. Not clear whether that
      really makes sense, and a similar patch for lib at the beginning makes
      the build fail. Not to mention System.mapLibraryName() does somehow
      now also give me libfoo.so also where #340468 was reproducible. To be
  * debian/rules:
    - install the Java UNO sources for IDEs like eclipse into -dev.
    - use ibm-j2sdk1.4 as JDK for the sarge backport on ppc
  * debian/control*:
    - fix typo in -gtk-gnomes description (closes: #343343)
  * debian/openoffice.org-writer.mime:
     - add text/rtf mimetype (closes: #344718)
 -- Rene Engelhard   Tue, 20 Dec 2005 23:59:48 +0100

_ [Debian] OpenOffice.org 黒魔術

  vi  ../../patches/src680/apply