Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
2004-10-21 [長年日記]
_ cgiirc (3)
わたしは成功するが,他の方は*** Welcome to CGI:IRC 0.5.4 (2004/01/29) *** Looking up localhost *** Connecting to localhost [] port 6667 -localhost- *** Checking Ident -localhost- *** No ident response *** Your username is invalid. *** Connect with your real username, in lowercase. *** If your mail address were foo@bar.com, your username would be foo. *** Closing Link CGIgateway by irc.gscc.osaka-cu.ac.jp (USER: Bad username) *** Disconnected from IRCでダメな模様.これは、
# encoded_ip, set to 3 to send real IP in realname and encoded in username # set to 2 to send hex encoded IP address in username # and in realname, set to 1 to send only in realname and 0 to # disable. encoded_ip = 2が関係するのではないかと,googleが教えてくれた.