Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
2004-03-24 [長年日記]
_ _ slashdot.jpより記事を移しています。今日(2006/05/03)すると古い記事なのですが過去の自分の記事なのでここに移しておきます。
_ #311 OpenOffice.org 再度
#292 で言及していたことは直ったのだが、私の再現条件が 悪かった。
基本的には ~/.openoffice の下記の値が問題なのだが。
yabuki@Malkion:~$ lv .openoffice/1.1.1/user/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Common.xcuもっと根本的には、false
IsSystemFontの挙動をチェックして、BTSなのかな? うーん、こまったっす。
_ #310 xfree86-driver-synaptics:Synaptics TouchPad Driver
CF-W2で使えるかな? kernel 2.6.xでつかえるかな?xfree86-driver-synaptics - Synaptics TouchPad driver for XFree86 server
This package provides an input driver for the XFree86 X server to enable advanced features of the Synaptics Touchpad including:
- Movement with adjustable, non-linear acceleration and speed
- Button events through short touching of the touchpad
- Double-Button events through double short touching of the touchpad
- Dragging through short touching and holding down the finger on the touchpad
- Middle and right button events on the upper and lower corner of the touchpad
- Vertical scrolling (button four and five events) through moving the finger on the right side of the touchpad
- The up/down button sends button four/five events
- Horizontal scrolling (button six and seven events) through moving the finger on the lower side of the touchpad
- The multi-buttons send button four/five events, and six/seven events for horizontal scrolling
- Adjustable finger detection
- Multifinger taps: two finger for middle button and three finger for right button events. (Needs hardware support. Not all models implement this feature.)
- Run-time configuration using shared memory. This means you can change parameter settings without restarting the X server (see synclient(1)).
- It also provides a daemon to disable touchpad while typing at the keyboard and thus avoid unwanted mouse movements (see syndaemon(1)).