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Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2004-02-05 [長年日記]

_ slashdot.jpより記事を移しています。今日(2006/05/07)すると古い記事なのですが過去の自分の記事なのでここに移しておきます。

_ [DPiS] 06:04 PM #291 DPiS:Mono( Linuxにおける.NET関連)


mono-jay - LALR(1) parser generator oriented to Java/.NET

Jay is a Yacc implementation oriented to Java-like input syntax. It takes a grammar, specified in BNF and augmented with semantic actions, and generates tables and an interpreter which recognizes the language defined by the grammar and executes the semantic actions as their corresponding phrases are recognized.

mono-mcs - the Mono C# compiler

This is the Mono C# (C-Sharp) compiler, a platform-independent compiler which produces .NET binary executables, and the most development tools around it like ilassemble, wsdl stub generator, assembly linker and security tools.

The Mono Project is an open development initiative sponsored by Ximian that is working to develop an open source, Linux-based version of the Microsoft .NET development platform.

mono-utils - Mono utilities

The Mono Project is an open development initiative sponsored by Ximian that is working to develop an open source, Linux-based version of the Microsoft .NET development platform.

This package includes various tools useful for .NET developers, like monodis, pedump and monograph.

mono - The Mono .NET development environment

The Mono Project is an open development initiative sponsored by Ximian that is working to develop an open source, Linux-based version of the Microsoft .NET development platform.

mono is a metapackage containing dependencies for the components of Mono.

mono-common - common files for the Mono CLI runtimes

The Mono Project is an open development initiative sponsored by Ximian that is working to develop an open source, Linux-based version of the Microsoft .NET development platform.

This package contains base configuration files and configures the system to run .NET executables as native applications.

mono-jit - fast CLI (.NET/Mono) JIT compiler

The Mono Project is an open development initiative sponsored by Ximian that is working to develop an open source, Linux-based version of the Microsoft .NET development platform.

This package contains the Virtual Execution Environment and code generator (Just-in-Time and Ahead-of-Time) "mono" which runs CLI/.NET applications, currently available for i386 and powerpc architectures only.

mono-mint - generic CLI (.NET/Mono) code interpreter

The Mono Project is an open development initiative sponsored by Ximian that is working to develop an open source, Linux-based version of the Microsoft .NET development platform.

This package contains the generic .NET code interpreter "mint". It is more portable but slow implementation, don't use it unless the mono-jit package is not available for your system architecture.

gconf-sharp - a .NET binding for GConf

This package provides .NET assemblies that allow .NET / C# programs to use the GConf configuration storage system.

glib-sharp - a .NET binding for the GLib utility library

This package provides .NET assemblies that allow .NET / C# programs to use the GLib utility library. This is mostly useful for the Gtk+, GNOME and GStreamer bindings.

gnome-sharp - a .NET binding for GNOME

This package provides .NET assemblies that allow .NET / C# programs to use the GNOME 2 UI libraries.

gtk-sharp - a .NET binding for the Gtk+ toolkit

This package provides .NET assemblies that allow .NET / C# programs to use the Gtk+ user interface toolkit.

gtk-sharp-examples - sample applications for the gtk-sharp toolkit

This package contains some example programs that are distributed with the Gtk# assemblies, including source to build them and learn from them.

gtk-sharp-gapi - C Source parser and C# code generator for GObject based APIs

The gtk-sharp-gapi package includes the parser and code generator used by the Gtk# project to parse and bind GObject libraries. Install gtk-sharp-gapi if you want to bind GObject-based libraries, or need to compile a project that uses it to bind such a library.

gtk-sharp-glue - a glue library for Gtk+ .NET bindings

This is a native 'glue' library required by gtk-sharp and friends.

2004-02-18 [長年日記]

_ slashdot.jpより記事を移しています。今日(2006/05/07)すると古い記事なのですが過去の自分の記事なのでここに移しておきます。

_ [Eclipse] 06:09 PM #293 スゴいぜ、Eclipse

eclipse in Debian Sid Font編 Debian Sidで、apt-get 可能です。フォントをスムーズにするには、fontconfig で /etc/X11/XftConfig に
dir "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/CID/"
dir "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType/"
yab@Hrestol:~$ dpkg -l libswt\*
| 状態=(N)無/(I)インストール済/(C)設定/(U)展開/(F)設定失敗/(H)半インストール
|/ エラー=(空欄)無/(H)維持/(R)要再インストール/X=両方(状態,エラーの大文字=異常)
||/ 名前 バージョン 説明
pn libswt-java (説明(description)がありません)
pn libswt2.1-gtk2 (説明(description)がありません)
un libswt2.1-java (説明(description)がありません)
ii libswt2.1-moti 2.1.2-1 Fast and rich GUI toolkit for Java, motif ve
apt-get install libswt2.1-gtk2-java

CDT Plugin とは、EclipseはJava以外にも、このプライグインをいれるとC/C++のソースコードがあつかえるようになります。



インストールをするときには、インストールロケーションがデフォルトでは、/usr/share/eclipse/しかないので、とりえあえず /home/yabuki/eclipse/などを追加して作っておきます。

% このあたりもDebian Packageがあると良いのかな。でも、Eclipse自身も管理システムあるし....


  • Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (Linux GTK) をインストール
  • Eclipse C/C++ Development Tools (Source) は、なにか良いことがあるかもしれないのでインストール
  • Eclipse C/C++ Managerd Make Build もインストール
  • Eclipse C/C++ Standard Make Build もインストール

_ [OpenOffice.org] 05:48 PM #292 OpenOffice.orgドはまり ー なんとかしよう編


基本的には、Andale Sans UIがないのだが

        HG Mincho Light J;MS P ゴシック;TLPゴシック;LXゴシック;東風ゴシック;Kochi
  Gochi;Gothic;MS Mincho;HG Mincho J;HG Mincho L;HG Mincho;Mincho;MS PMincho;HG Minch
o Light J;MS Gothic;HG Gothic J;HG Gothic B;HG Gothic;Gothic;MS PGothic;Andale Sans
UI;Arial Unicode MS;Lucida Sans Unicode;Tahoma
        HG Mincho Light J;MS P ゴシック;TLPゴシック;LXゴシック;東風ゴシック;Kochi
  Gochi;Gothic;MS Gothic;HG Gothic J;HG Gothic B;HG Gothic;Gothic;MS PGothic;Andale S
ans UI;Arial Unicode MS;Lucida Sans Unicode;Tahoma
        Andale Sans UI;MS P ゴシック;TLPゴシック;LXゴシック;東風ゴシック;Kochi Go
chi;Gothic;MS Gothic;HG Gothic J;HG Gothic B;HG Gothic;Gothic;MS PGothic;Andale Sans
  UI;Arial Unicode MS;Lucida Sans Unicode;Tahoma
        HG Mincho Light J;MS P 明朝;TLP明朝;LX明朝;東風明朝;Kochi Mincho;Mincho;T
horndale;Times New Roman;Times;Lucida Serif;Lucida Bright;Timmons;New York;Serif
        HG Mincho Light J;MS P ゴシック;TLPゴシック;LXゴシック;東風ゴシック;Kochi
  Gochi;Gothic;Cumberland;Courier New;Courier;Lucida Sans Typewriter;Lucida Typewrite
        HG Mincho Light J;MS P ゴシック;TLPゴシック;LXゴシック;東風ゴシック;Kochi
  Gochi;Gothic;Cumberland;Courier New;Courier;Lucida Sans Typewriter;Lucida Typewrite
        Andale Sans UI;HG Mincho Light J;MS UI Gothic;TLPゴシック;LXゴシック;東風
ゴシック;Kochi Gochi;Gothic;gnu-unifont
        HG Mincho Light J;Cumberland;Courier New;Courier;Lucida Sans Typewriter;L
ucida Typewriter;Monaco;Monospaced

- #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_JAPANESE2 "Kochi Gochi;Gothic"
+ #define FALLBACKFONT_UI_SANS_JAPANESE2 "Kochi Gochic;Gothic"

× Kochi Gochi
○ Kochi Gothic


19:04 Update
の中身を上記のように"Kochi Gothic"にしてあげると、font replaceはしなくて良くなりました。

19:10 Update

233491 ああっと bugs.debian.org ですので:)

2004-02-20 [長年日記]

_ slashdot.jpより記事を移しています。今日(2006/05/07)すると古い記事なのですが過去の自分の記事なのでここに移しておきます。

_ [Ruby] 11:19 PM #295 rubyeclipse


ちょっとやってみよう > RubyEclipse

_ 10:29 AM #294 受け入れテストとユニットテスト



2004-02-24 [長年日記]

_ slashdot.jpより記事を移しています。今日(2006/05/07)すると古い記事なのですが過去の自分の記事なのでここに移しておきます。

_ [DPiS] 07:00 PM #296 DPiS:Mono Doc

monodoc - The MONO documentation viewer

The MonoDoc Project is the documentation framework of the MONO project which provides detailed API documentation for all MONO components and the MONO .NET Framework.

This is a meta package containing dependencies for the main components of monodoc.