トップ «前の日記(2005-07-11) 最新 次の日記(2005-07-13)» 編集

Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2005-07-12 [長年日記]

_ 「jus大規模教育用情報環境運用技術シンポジウム2005」開催のお知らせ


_ 天気


_ 本日一回目のpop


_ [DPiS] pwc-modules-2.6.11-1-386 - pwc modules for Linux (kernel 2.6.11-1-386)


This package contains the set of loadable kernel modules for the Philips Webcams.

This package contains the compiled kernel modules for 2.6.11-1-386

If you have compiled your own kernel, you will most likely need to build your own pwc-modules. The pwc-source package has been provided for use with the Debian kernel-package utility to produce a version of pwc-module for your kernel.

_ [DPiS] imapcopy - IMAP backup, copy and migration tool

IMAPCopy is a small command line tool to copy messages for multiple users from one imap server to another. Written the program to migrate messages from a GNU/Linux box to MS Exchange but it works with other imap implementations as well.

_ [Debian] 今日のupdate

今日,sidをupdateしようとすると,openoffice.orgなどがremoveの対象になっていた.gnome-vfsあたりが影響を受けているので削除対象になったみたい.今日のupdateはヤメ :-)

_ ヘェ




_ メール

done. bai.ne な人へ

_ [Debian] FreeRadius
