Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
2005-04-05 [長年日記]
_ 天気
_ ネタあつめ
_ おひるごはん
居酒屋日本にて,フライ定食.その後,ジュンク堂にてSoftware Design 4月号を購入.
_ [DPiS] davfs2 - mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
DAVFS2 is a Linux file system driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system. It allows files in a remote Web resource to be edited using standard applications that interact with the file system (e.g. text editors). It uses coda for file system operations and the neon library for WebDAV access. It supports SSL and proxy servers.
The code is based on uservfs (uservfs.sf.net).
_ [DPiS] fapg - Fast Audio Playlist Generator
FAPG is a tool to generate list of audio files (Wav, MP3, Ogg, etc) in various formats (M3U, PLS, HTML, etc).
_ [DPiS] xchat-systray - xchat systray notification icon
Plugin for IRC client X-Chat which adds an icon in your systray that flashes when you got highlighted message. Configurable events and actions.
Integrates with KDE, GNOME and XFce4.
_ [DPiS] netmrg - network monitoring tool
NetMRG is a database-driven network monitoring and graphing tool for use on Linux systems. It offers an intuitive web-based configuration, customized monitoring capabilities for unusual situations, a fast multi-threaded polling application, and brilliant graphs rendered by RRDTOOL.