Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
_ [DPiS] sun-j2re1.5debian - Debian specific parts of Java(TM) 2 RE, Standard Edition
This package contains Debian specific extras that are not part of the upstream distribution. The upstream part of Java(TM) 2 RE is in a separate package, that should be created with java-package. Read the java-package documentation for further information.
_ [DPiS] sun-j2sdk1.5debian - Debian specific parts of Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition
This package contains Debian specific extras that are not part of the upstream distribution. The upstream part of Java(TM) 2 SDK is in a separate package, that should be created with java-package. Read the java-package documentation for further information.
_ [DPiS] blackdown-j2sdk1.4debian - Debian specific parts of Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edi
This package contains Debian specific extras that are not part of the upstream distribution. The upstream part of Java(TM) 2 SDK is in a separate package, that should be created with java-package. Read the java-package documentation for further information.
_ [DPiS] kernel-image-2.6-amd64-generic - Linux kernel image for version 2.6 on generic x86_64 systems.
This package will always depend on the latest 2.6 kernel image available for all x86_64 systems.
_ [DPiS] smbldap-tools - Scripts to manage Unix and Samba accounts stored on LDAP
Set of scripts to manage data relative to users and groups stored in an LDAP server. The tools manage POSIX, shadow and Samba (3.0 series) accounts and groups.
This package is used to add/del/mod users and groups in the Linux Samba-OpenLDAP Howto http://samba.idealx.org/smbldap-howto.en.html.
_ [OpenOffice.org] JCA
JCA にサインした. http://www.gnome.org/~michael/の2004-09-23 のエントリーに名前を残せた. :-)
_ [OpenOffice.org] Friday / The OpenOffice.org Roadmap Thoughts on "Realease Early and Often" VS ......
Adgendaabout speakeer and session History of release and features Current statrus milestone releaese .....History
Overlapping devleopment and release cycles -> but: long feature release cycle Contiuous feature increments -> but: large feature release cycleCurrent Status: Milestones
Development and delivery method CWS and MWS Updates of "Current Release" => The "quality" principle Milestone of "Next Release" => The "feedback" principle"Cureent Status: Feedback
Public OOo audience bug reports and comments malling lists; comments on "what's new" "Sun-on-Sun" audience Feedback and issue forms malling lists Milestones, UpdatesLession Learned: Challenges
Highly parallel Child Workspaces Mulitiple Master Workspaces QuestionsLessions Learned: Limitations Stakeholders
Consumers intergrators Distributors DevelopersQ&A
Questions Would a GNOME style "feature update" release cycle of 6 month fit the needs of all stakholders? Answers: ?
_ [OpenOffice.org] New Native Installer
次のインスーラはsshとかつかうのと... DebianなどのサポートのためにEPMという形式で配布を行うとのこと. 資料をメールでもらうことにしたので、また
_ [OpenOffice.org] Here come UNO, All Shiny and New
_ [OpenOffice.org] Learn from the South African 11 language localisation experience
_ [OpenOffice.org] Digital Tapping point:
_ gnucash
GnuCash - Related Financial Software(http://www.gnucash.org/en/links.phtml) すこし触ってみる。私にとって挙動が不可解な部分がおおいので、要修行です。複式簿記みたいにつかえるようです。
この言葉で、googleで検索してみて、面白そうなweb siteを2つ見付けた.
_ 平成17年国勢調査
_ Daily build etch installer 9-23 09:44 download version
_ 友人がリヨンへ
_ Debian Love
Debian PlanetのAlexander Schmehlさんの(http://blog.schmehl.info/Debian/subject-debian-love)より、Debian users @ 本家のメールスレッド (http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2006/09/msg01922.html)に、このスレッドがお勧めであるとのこと。
_ 組み込み屋さんとの話の中で
蟹チップで有名な、RealTek で性能がでるとか出ないとかは、データシートを見てからお話がスタートするので、巷に溢れている蟹が性能が出ないというのは、デバイスドライバーの方に問題があるのだ。とのこと。微妙にダメなソフトウェアを引きずっていると、そこに産業が生まれる。完璧なモノだけだと周辺活動が回らない。ってな話になった
_ man 1 debconf, man 7 debconf
最初、man 1 debconfだけしか、manが引けなかったが、
aptitude install debconf-docすると、man 7 debconf も読めるようになった。
_ 特定非営利活動促進法 および 一般社団法人及び一般財団法人に関する法律
_ kinneko [素直にドライバが書ける構成になっていないという時点で、ハードがダメなんじゃないかな...]