Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary
2019-09-05 working for Debian [長年日記]
_ [Debian] source only upload
souce only uploadするのに gbp + cowbuilderを使っている私は、debian wikiを参照して、--git-pbuider-options=--source-only-changesを設定した。いろいろとコミット済みだったので、--git-tagをつけた。 xzでuploadすると怒られたので、--git-commpression=gzipにして、オリジナルと同じ圧縮方式にした。--git-retagで再ビルドを指示した。gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-pbuilder-options=--source-only-changes --git-tag --git-notify=auto --git-compression=gzip --git-retagこれで、dputして accept されるといいな。って思った。こんな感じ。
drwxr-xr-x 1 yabuki yabuki 94 9月 5 15:50 vim-voom -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 5432 9月 5 18:10 vim-voom_5.3-3.debian.tar.xz -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 1804 9月 5 18:10 vim-voom_5.3-3.dsc -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 99568 9月 5 18:10 vim-voom_5.3-3_all.deb -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 21173 9月 5 18:10 vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.build -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 5461 9月 5 18:10 vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.buildinfo -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 2458 9月 5 18:10 vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.changes -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 446 9月 5 18:17 vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.ftp-master.upload -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 1227 9月 5 18:10 vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 115854 9月 5 18:00 vim-voom_5.3.orig.tar.gz
_ [Git] git push --all --tags
これは、ダメ。stack overflowの記事 をみて、cloneしてきた、.git/configに[remote "origin"] push = refs/heads/* push = refs/tags/*を書き込んで同じようにやった。
2019-09-06 Debian related video [長年日記]
_ [Debian] youtube video:What are Debian maintainer scripts?
Debian packageのメンテナースクリプトについて理解を深めたい場合や、技術英語について触れてみたい。場合は見てみると良いでしょう。
_ [Debian] fdpowermon
fdpowermon/fdpowermon at master · yoe/fdpowermon Thinkpadで、電池容量が一定以下になったら、suspendやaplayで音を出して状態を知りたいので、使っているが、上手く動かせていない。うーん。 ~/.config/fdpowermon/theme.plに下記を置いて実行している。
# Copy this file to ~/.config/fdpowermon/theme.pl. # # If you don't like the 'default' theme, define a new one by copying # /etc/fdpowermon/theme.cfg to ~/.config/fdpowermon/theme.cfg and # renaming/adjusting the 'default' theme there to something new. # Don't forget to replace "default" below with your new theme name. # # See the manpage fdpowermon(1) for full details on what you can do # here. # define a suspend action sub suspend { # /usr/bin/dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.Suspend boolean:true system("/usr/bin/dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.Suspend boolean:true"); } sub beep { system("/usr/bin/aplay /usr/share/games/wesnoth/1.14/sounds/bell.wav"); } # initialize our theme, from /etc/fdpowermon/theme.cfg or # ~/.config/fdpowermon/theme.cfg # my $theme = fdpowermon::theme::get_theme("mytheme"); my $theme = fdpowermon::theme::get_theme("default"); # on the discharge event for the lowest element in the list of steps (0 = first # in the index, "d" for discharge), call the "suspend" sub defined above $theme->set_event( 1, \&suspend, 'd' ); $theme->set_event( 2, \&beep, 'd' );
2019-09-07 Debian work [長年日記]
_ [Debian] source only upload (cont'd)
承前 source only upload をやる理由と問題点、そして解決方法
- [Bits from the Release Team: ride like the wind, Bullseye!]の中で source only uploadについて言及している。see No binary maintainer uploads for bullseye
- [SourceOnlyUpload - Debian Wiki]上記でも理由を書いているが、こっちにも。また各ビルド方法でのsource only uploadについて記述がしてある。
- 対象とするrepoは、Yukiharu Yabuki / vim-voom · GitLabです。
で、困っていたのは、実作業を新しいマシンで行っていて、buildはできたものの、orig.tar.gzのtop directoryの名前が異なっていて、中身とサイズが合わないので、uploadしてもrejectされること。この問題は、XY problemという命名がされておりよくあることとのこと。で、解決策としては,prinstine-tar branchを切って、そこに pristine-tarが管理するorig.tar.gzを入れること。 - gbp-pristine-tar(1) — git-buildpackage — Debian testing — Debian Manpages
- [gbp-buildpackage(1) — git-buildpackage — Debian testing — Debian Manpages]
(1) I had already downloaded original orig.tar.gz in /tmp/
like this.
(cd /tmp;wget http://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/v/vim-voom/vim-voom_5.3.orig.tar.gz)
(2) Do gbp pristine-tar commit:
$ gbp pristine-tar commit --upstream-tag=upstream/5.3 /tmp/vim-voom_5.3.orig.tar.gz gbp:info: Successfully committed pristine-tar data for version 5.3 of /tmp/vim-voom_5.3.orig.tar.gz
(3) I checked:
$ git switch pristine-tar Switched to branch 'pristine-tar' $ git branch master * pristine-tar upstream $ ls -la > total 8 > drwxr-xr-x 1 yabuki yabuki 122 Sep 6 16:37 . > drwxr-xr-x 1 yabuki yabuki 5216 Sep 6 11:36 .. > drwxr-xr-x 1 yabuki yabuki 182 Sep 6 16:37 .git > -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 1943 Sep 6 16:37 vim-voom_5.3.orig.tar.gz.delta > -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 41 Sep 6 16:37 vim-voom_5.3.orig.tar.gz.id
(4) then build it.
$ git switch master $ gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-pbuilder-options=--source-only-changes --git-tag --git-notify=auto
(5) check the result.
ls -la ../vim-voom* -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 5416 Sep 6 11:32 ../vim-voom_5.3-3.debian.tar.xz -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 1804 Sep 6 11:32 ../vim-voom_5.3-3.dsc -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 99560 Sep 6 11:32 ../vim-voom_5.3-3_all.deb -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 21173 Sep 6 11:32 ../vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.build -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 5461 Sep 6 11:32 ../vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.buildinfo -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 2458 Sep 6 11:32 ../vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.changes -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 2142 Sep 6 11:35 ../vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes -rw-r--r-- 1 yabuki yabuki 115841 Sep 6 11:23 ../vim-voom_5.3.orig.tar.gzI checked orig.tar.gz file size and contents. It seems ok.
$ dput vim-voom vim-voom/ vim-voom_5.3-3_all.deb vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.changes vim-voom_5.3-3.debian.tar.xz vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.build vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes vim-voom_5.3-3.dsc vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.buildinfo vim-voom_5.3.orig.tar.gz $ dput vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes Trying to upload package to ftp-master (ftp.upload.debian.org) Checking signature on .changes gpg: /home/yabuki/scm/git/debian/vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes: error 58: gpgme_op_verify gpgme_op_verify: GPGME: No data $ dput vim-voom_5.3-3.dsc Not a .changes file. Please select a .changes file to upload. Tried to upload: vim-voom_5.3-3.dsc $ debsign vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes The .buildinfo file is already signed. Would you like to use the current signature? [Yn] Leaving current signature unchanged. fixup_changes dsc vim-voom_5.3-3.dsc vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes fixup_changes buildinfo vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.buildinfo vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes signfile changes vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes Yukiharu YABUKISuccessfully signed changes file $ dput vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes Trying to upload package to ftp-master (ftp.upload.debian.org) Checking signature on .changes gpg: /home/yabuki/scm/git/debian/vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes: Valid signature from 71A802D0BCD1BC92 Checking signature on .dsc gpg: /home/yabuki/scm/git/debian/vim-voom_5.3-3.dsc: Valid signature from 71A802D0BCD1BC92 Uploading to ftp-master (via ftp to ftp.upload.debian.org): Uploading vim-voom_5.3-3.dsc: done. Uploading vim-voom_5.3-3.debian.tar.xz: done. Uploading vim-voom_5.3-3_amd64.buildinfo: done. Uploading vim-voom_5.3-3_source.changes: done. Successfully uploaded packages.