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Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2005-08-16 [長年日記]

_ 天気


_ 出社


_ SEA/FSIJ 月例会

(https://members.fsij.org/portal/monthly/mt-200508) RHの大和さんが(「リクルーティングソース」論文の作者)が, "・テーマ: 「プロジェクト多すぎ問題」と闘う" とのこと.

_ [DPiS] ketchup - update utility for linux-kernel sources


このユーティリティは,カーネルソースの更新(やインストール)を自動的に行います.ketchupは,(vanilla, rc, tiny, mm, mjbなど)多数の(カーネル)ツリーの中で最新のカーネルを探すことができます.



This utility can update (or install) kernel sources automatically. It can search for the newest kernel in numerous trees (vanilla, rc, tiny, mm, mjb, etc.).

It can also automatically download the needed patches (and apply them) to create the newest repository from an old one.

Homepage: http://www.selenic.com/ketchup/

_ [DPiS] kfreebsd-source-5.3 - source code for kernel of FreeBSD 5.3 with Debian patches

This package provides the source code for kernel of FreeBSD 5.3, base of a GNU/kFreeBSD system.

_ [DPiS] tailor - Tool to keep in sync various kinds of repository (CVS, SVN, ...)

Python tool able to keep in sync various kinds of repository: it works for various revision control systems, such as CVS, Subversion, Darcs and (still partially) Monotone, Mercurial and Codeville, preserving history.

Homepage: http://www.darcs.net/DarcsWiki/Tailor

_ [DPiS] emacs-snapshot-gtk - The GNU Emacs editor (with GTK+ 2.x support)

GNU Emacs is the extensible self-documenting text editor. This package contains a version of Emacs compiled with support for GTK+ 2.x.

_ [DPiS] gaim-irchelper - IRC extensions for GAIM

This plugin enhances the usability of the IRC protocol in GAIM. The options currently available are:

Disconnect ghosts:

Disconnect duplicate copies of your nickname.

Nick password:

Authenticate to NickServ or Q.

Operator password:

Set a password to use to become an IRCop.

gaim-irchelper has been tested on the following networks:

  • FreeNode
  • GameSurge
  • Jeux
  • QuakeNet
  • SlashNET
  • Undernet

Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gaim-irchelper

_ [DPiS] gquilt - graphical wrapper for quilt


Quilt is a program that manages a series of patches, with a focus on handling patch dependencies and allowing easy management of large sets of patches.

Gquilt is a GTK+-based GUI wrapper for the quilt program, providing a simple graphical interface for a range of commands.

Homepage: http://users.bigpond.net.au/Peter-Williams/

_ [DPiS] ffmpeg2theora - Theora video encoder using ffmpeg


This package provides a command-line tool to encode/recode various video formats (basically everything that ffmpeg can read) into Theora, the free video codec.

_ [DPiS] sendemail - email-from-console sending tool

SendEmail is a lightweight, completly command line based, SMTP email agent.

It was designed to be used in bash scripts, Perl programs, and web sites, but it is also quite useful in many other contexts.

SendEmail is written in Perl and is unique in that it requires no special modules. It has a straight forward interface, making it very easy to use.

_ [DPiS] sylpheed-gtk1 - Light weight e-mail client with GTK+

version 1.x系列は,この名前に変更.
Sylpheed is an e-mail client which aims for:
 * Quick response
 * Graceful, and sophisticated interface
 * Easy configuration, intuitive operation
 * Abundant features
The appearance and interface are similar to some popular e-mail clients for Windows, such as Outlook Express or so.
The interface is also designed to emulate the mailers on Emacsen, and almost all commands are accessible with the keyboard.

_ [DPiS] ieee80211-source - Source for the 802.11 (wireless) network stack for Linux

これ,重要.linux kernelでの無線(802.11)のネットワークスタックモジュールのソースコード.

This package provides the source code for the 802.11 (wireless) network stack module for the Linux kernel. Though it has been incorporated in latest kernel versions, the bundled one might not be up-to-date to build third-party wireless modules such as ipw2100 or ipw2200 which are common on Centrino notebooks.

In order to compile these modules you need the kernel sources (or the kernel-headers for the kernel-image packages from Debian). For compile instructions look into /usr/share/doc/ieee80211-source/README.Debian or simply use the module-assistant utility.

The project's homepage can be found here: http://ieee80211.sourceforge.net

_ [DPiS] newpki-server - PKI based on the OpenSSL low-level API (server package)

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) are designed to manage certificates on a long term. All the data are handled through a MySQL database, which provides a convenient frontend to OpenSSL, and options such as seeking a certificate with a search engine.

The actual version is able to handle multiple Certificate Authorities in one server, to publish a certificate request from a Certificate Signing Request, to certify a request, to revoke a certificate and to manage one or more Certificate Revocation Lists. It also able to search for the waiting requests or certificates, to respond to OCSP requests and to seek in and publish to LDAP Directory.

This package provides the PKI server.

Homepage: http://www.newpki.org/

_ [DPiS] php-simpletest - Unit testing and web testing framework for PHP


SimpleTest is a testing framework built around test case classes. These are written as extensions of base test case classes, each extended with methods that actually contain test code.

These tools are designed for the developer. Tests are written in the PHP language itself The advantage of using PHP itself as the testing language is that there are no new languages to learn, testing can start straight away, and the developer can test any part of the code. Basically, all parts that can be accessed by the application code can also be accessed by the test code if they are in the same language.

_ ieee80211-source

#m-a a-i ieee80211
cd /usr/src/linux-header-2.6.12-1/
ln -s ../kernel-kbuild-2.6-3/scripts/ scripts
cd /usr/src/modules/ieee80211/
fakeroot debian/rules binary-modules KSRC=/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-1 KVERS=2.6.12-1-686
でコンパイルできた.TIPSとしては,KVERSに686とかまでのarchを入れておくこと.ってquerrybts linux-headers-2.6.12-1-686 したら grave のbugで報告されてfixされているじゃん orz #322680, #322765 それと ipw2100(多分,ipw2200も)ieee80211モジユールに依存関係が,できたので一緒にインストールすること. うーむ ieee80211が,起動時にinvaild module formatとか言われている.新しいlinux-headers-2.6.12-1-686がinstallされるのを待って再度チャレンジか.kernel 2.6.11では動いているので無線を使いたいときにはそっちを使うか.

_ むつみさんのSharp PC MW 70Jに関する情報

_ ALSAでsoftware modem

うーむ.cat /proc/asound/cards で device 一つしか見えないのがやっぱりガンみたい.hw:0 がsound hw:1がmodemのようね.(http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/alsa-setup-FAQ.html)

_ hostap

Prism GTでも使えそう.ということがわかった.(http://www.famm.jp/wireless/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=49&forum=17&post_id=161)あとは買って実験か.Prism GTなら今でも入手できそう メモ AP構築(http://www.libertysystem-factory.co.jp/wireless/ap.html)