トップ «前の日記(2005-03-19) 最新 次の日記(2005-03-21)» 編集

Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2005-03-20 [長年日記]

_ おひるごはん


_ [DPiS] cssed - graphical CSS editor

Application to help create and maintain CSS style sheets for web developing.

CSSED is a small developer editor and validator, that tries to ease the CSS editing. It features syntax highlighting, syntax validation, MDI notebook based interface, quick CSS properties and values insertion, auto-completion and dialog-based insertion of CSS complex values.

_ ばんごはん


_ [Debian] YaST2の最初のモジュールが動いたそうな

From Debian Desktop ML (http://yast4debian.alioth.debian.org/users-module.jpg)