トップ «前の日記(2005-06-13) 最新 次の日記(2005-06-15)» 編集

Yukiharu YABUKI の tDiary


2005-06-14 [長年日記]

_ 天気


_ 締切


_ [OpenOffice.org] m109 check out

http://build.good-day.net/~yabuki/checkoutlog.SRC680_m109にcheck out logがあります.

_ ethereal

(http://www.space-peace.com/ethereal/ethereal.htm) ikuya氏といっしょに ethereal でバケットを眺めた.目視での確認方法を,いっしよにやる.

_ そういえば


_ 関西オープンソース 2005


_ [DPiS] torrus-apache - Universal front-end for Round-Robin Databases (for apache 1.x)

Installs torrus-common and configures it for operation together with the Apache 1.x web server.Support for Apache 2.x is provided by the torrus-apache2 package. Apache 1.x will be restarted during installation of torrus-apache.

Torrus is designed to be a universal front-end framework for Round-Robin Databases using Tobias Oetiker's RRDtool. It may be configured to collect and monitor arbitrary data series from various data sources which can in turn be displayed on a web page served by the Apache web server.

One of the traditional applications of this functionality is the collection and visualization of network information using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) from SNMP-enabled devices.

Torrus has been formerly known as rrfw, round-robin database framework.

This package has been built from an unreleased CVS snapshot. It is unadviseable to use it in any kind of productive environment.

Upstream URL: http://torrus.org/