Daily blurbs Aug. 2007


daily blurbs

31 Aug 2007 (Fri)

06:43:06 # Life Added content:encoded to my RSS feed. I've received a request to show links to my RSS feed. Apparently, RSS is no longer what it originally was. People expect full font specifications, images, and links to be functional. I've added encoded content as a CDATA. It should hopefully work.

27 Aug 2007 (Mon)

06:35:59 # Life Seeing some newcomer to Japan. It's sometimes refreshing to read a newbie to Japan. Of course, credit cards are often non-interchangeable either way, I was surprised that Japan Post was that good.

7 Aug 2007 (Tue)

22:35:49 # Life muse-el breakage or mine. muse-el comment handling has silently changed, or rather, it was announced in one of its changelogs. I had several calculations hidden in ;<lisp></lisp> notations, and every reference to the value defined within the comment turned into "Invalid Lisp Code". Apparently, it no longer evaluates what is within ; comment. Tokyo Area Debian Meeting announcement page has been broken for a few days due to this problem. Apologies to those who were affected by this breakage.

1 Aug 2007 (Wed)

21:51:37 # Life New month starts. I just flushed a bunch of updates. I started regression testing for qemubuilder. Nothing special, really.

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: 200708.html.en,v 1.6 2007/08/30 21:46:09 dancer Exp $