24 Jun 2007 (Sun)

03:07:00 # Life apt-listbugs changes for easier use by clients. Having had a little discussion with Stefano Zacchiroli about debian/changelog editing and bug number completion, I decided I'll make the 'apt-listbugs list' command a bit more useful. It now has two new features. --severity all option to specify all severities, and you can specify the current version with PACKAGE/VERSION syntax. These functionalities should be available in the 0.0.79 upload. It also uses the shiny new BTS SOAP interface, and no longer relies on merkel.debian.org, thanks to help from Don Armstrong. To find a bug that is not yet closed on apt-listbugs 0.0.79, you'll ask for it like this: apt-listbugs list -s all apt-listbugs 0.0.79

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: dancer-diary.el,v 1.91 2006/06/15 15:14:10 dancer Exp $