Daily blurbs Dec. 2021


daily blurbs

31 Dec 2021 (Fri)

20:50:01 # Life Plot something like github graph from my local repos. Github is nice but only shows what I have published on github. I wanted to see how much activiity I had from my coding. My personal repositories have more commits in 2021 than 2019, or 2020. 2019 activities were mostly C++. 2020 activities were mostly on golang and js. 2021 activities showing signs of rust.

11 Dec 2021 (Sat)

10:10:51 # Life Updated my raspberry pi to bullseye and no longer connects to network. Seems like eth0 got renamed. probably this thing that I was supposed to have migrated away from. Not entirely sure how to recover from this now.

2 Dec 2021 (Thu)

08:56:22 # Life December. The world is turbulent and I am still worried where we are going.

Junichi Uekawa