Daily blurbs Feb. 2003


daily blurbs

28 Feb 2003

15:53:58 # Life upgraded apache2 and other things, and experimenting.

22 Feb 2003

13:46:48 # dinstall/dupload Upgraded psgml to 1.3.1 and checked dancer-diary against it. (setq sgml-set-face t) is rather a difficult variable to use. I sent a patch and comment to fix its behavior for html mode.

18 Feb 2003

13:25:22 # Life libqt3-mt-dev seems to have changed drastically. Hmmm.. I need to re-upload quite a few things.

14:53:53 # dinstall/dupload recompiled ecawave and ecamegapedal to work with new qt, and something is looking better now..

soundtracker mailinst list is very hot with JACK support, but it is rather difficult to track what is being changed and what is currently working. My observation is that the CVS is probably stalled and people are throwing patch files at each other.

17 Feb 2003

13:59:21 # Life Try compiling ecasound2.2.1. ecasound2.2.1 is known to compile on cygwin, and that makes it rather interesting, although I don't have a cygwin system to play with...

13 Feb 2003

17:04:49 # Life updated libpkg-guide slightly since I know a little more about symbol versioning. It's not quite complete yet, I don't think.

12 Feb 2003

09:10:21 # Life Quite a few things are not yet fixed. ecasound2.2 package is still having problems ...

11:41:38 # Life Responded to beast upstream that I am retiring from beast maintenance for Debian.

7 Feb 2003

12:09:30 # Life Motivation is rather decreased trying to talk with someone through BTS, and the other end tries to close the bug report on every response.

4 Feb 2003

18:59:33 # Today's hack I hacked up ecasound2.2/ecawave/ecamegapedal to compile on Debian systems, and fixed quite a few outstanding bugs, I will try and upload the result on a later date..

3 Feb 2003

11:47:26 # Life Reading up on user-mode-linux, and hacking up some more things. ecasound build scripts are somewhat flaky, but I don't have the energy right now to fix it.

19:47:15 # dinstall/dupload fixed whizzytex info files with rebuilding with newer hevea.

2 Feb 2003

00:42:51 # Life Masters Thesis finished.

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: 200302.html.en,v 1.19 2003/02/28 06:55:03 dancer Exp $