Dancer-ACPI code


There were not many good ACPI battery monitors. Currently existing (at the beginning of year 2002) application was for WindowMaker dock. It was considered necessary to create an easy-to-use library for this application, and to allow it to be used from other software.


First, several command-line console demonstration applications were created. Then a GTK+ application was created. The necessary functions that were found, and a shared library providing the necessary features was created.

The actual screenshot is not that appealing, but using this feature, it should be possible to add ACPI support on other applications.

However apmd has been extended and probably supercedes this project (I have not checked). danceracpi might be obsolete.


It is available from the Download Site

27 May 2004: updated to handle ACPI interfaces on kernel 2.4.26; just for fun on debconf4@br.


Run gdacpi command, battery status and the remaining available time will be displayed.

The implementation of the /proc parser is now implemented with libdshconfig routines, and thus libdshconfig needs to be installed prior to installing this package.


Screenshot of GTK+ interface.

GTK+ interface
Junichi Uekawa

$Id: danceracpi.html.en,v 1.7 2004/05/27 17:37:21 dancer Exp $