13 Jul 2023 (Thu)

17:54:23 # Life Spent 2 hours migrating my chrome extension to manifest v3. Two parts that didn't make sense at first, browser_action to action migration, and executeScript. First, browser_action to action manifest change was straightforward. However it didn't occur to me that I had to rewrite chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener to chrome.action.onClicked.addListener. It doesn't say anything on the web page, well maybe the less than equal to MV2. If you deprecate something please say what you replace it with. Second, chrome.tabs.executeScript API was updated to chrome.scripting.executeScript. Apart from the promisified interface that I liked, there was the more important difference that it no longer takes a string to inject as script, it takes a function. So I rewrote my `script with ${stuff}` and as part of that unintentional bugs were fixed and introduced. Trying to figure out where my string became a float unintentionally took a good part of the hour. All in all I have spent 2 hours on migrating my script, this is my second migration. I am not very happy with this transition as it doesn't add any value to my script.

Junichi Uekawa