26 Jun 2011 (Sun)

10:06:49 # Life Merging and testing. I've uploaded pbuilder and cowdancer with all NMUs included. I think the tests pass and things look reasonably good, and nothing should break because all the NMU diffs have been incorporated. In all of the NMUs I saw zero lines of test code change, so these aren't unit tested or regression tested, but manual tested. Something I want to see change is to see people having test code updated on every upload or bugfix.

11:03:27 # Life I don't think my bug reports appeared yet. So far I filed two bug reports and waiting for a while; BTS doesn't seem to accept my mails. Something changed?

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: dancer-diary.el,v 1.94 2009/10/21 14:02:48 dancer Exp $