1 May 2009 (Fri)

10:20:30 # Life Trying out simpleopal again, since my bug was closed. It was January the last time I tried using iax, and things were in a miserable state.

$ simpleopal -I -H  iax2:guest@misery.digium.com/s
SimpleOPAL Version 3.6.1 by Open Phone Abstraction Library on Unix Linux (2.6.26-1-amd64-x86_64)

  0:00.032	             SimpleOPAL	                (0)		Version 3.6.1 by Open Phone Abstraction Library on Unix Linux (2.6.26-1-amd64-x86_64) with PTLib (v2.6.1) at 2009/5/1 10:23:27.081
Jitter buffer: 50-250 ms
TCP ports: 0-0
UDP ports: 0-0
RTP ports: 5000-5999
RTP IP TOS: 0xb8
STUN server: None
Auto answer is off
Sound output device: "*.wav"
Sound  input device: "*.wav"
Video output device: "SDL"
Video  input device: "shm"
IAX2 Endpoint is not initialised correctly
Is there another application using port 4569? 
Exiting SimpleOPAL

asterisk is running on my system, and 4569 was used by it, good. After stopping asterisk, simpleopal runs successfully. I don't quite understand its user-interface, and didn't get anything useful done with it, but at least it's running.

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: dancer-diary.el,v 1.93 2009/01/04 03:42:29 dancer Exp $