1 Jul 2009 (Wed)

23:53:19 # Life mecab package for Debian. In Japanese, words in sentence are not split by spaces, and are written continuously. Thismakesparsingofsentencesverydifficultformachines. Luckily people have done much research, and probabilistically split words in sentences. That science is apparently called morphology. There are some packages in Debian; ones I know include chasen, kakasi, and mecab. I looked at mecab today. mecab has different dictionaries, and there are 4 dictionaries in Debian lenny. One free one (mecab-juman) and non-free one (mecab-ipadic). This looks confusing for first-timers.

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: dancer-diary.el,v 1.93 2009/01/04 03:42:29 dancer Exp $