12 Dec 2008 (Fri)

08:54:26 # Life iPod Touch Remote. Craft a webserver application on your MacBook. Create a web page with two buttons, up and down. Using Xtest, handle up button with a PgUp key, and down button with a PgDn key. Connect to your webserver using iPodTouch, and voila, you have a iPodTouch remote controlling your presentation. Prepare your MacBook with avahi so that you can connect with random wireless environment. The up/down picture is not good, looking for better contributions. Source available from git clone git://git.debian.org/git/tokyodebian/monthly-report.git, utils/ipodtouchremote

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: dancer-diary.el,v 1.92 2007/08/30 21:46:09 dancer Exp $