10 Aug 2008 (Sun)

05:23:32 # Life debugging qemubuilder armel. nomeata wondered why it's not working, and after having added basic support for it, it wasn't working. Debugging why it isn't working at all now. I have figured out that armel kernel doesn't need initrd to bootstrap qemubuilder session; the kernel has support for ext3 built-in. The initrd for armel reads 'init=' and parses it as a command for the initrd to process, and tries to invoke that command within the ramdisk. qemubuilder expects that harddisk is mounted and passes init=/pbuilder-run, and that's not found on the initrd, and the error happens. If I didn't specify the initrd, things seem to work fine. It just runs as versatile architecture. My pbuilderrc for qemu-armel.


08:02:27 # Life Looking at native code invocation options for ruby. To make apt-listbugs code safer, and faster, I was looking for ways of not forking dpkg every time it tries to analyse package versions. SWIG and other stuff seem to be good for calling C code, but not useful for calling C++ code. C++ code isn't exactly convenient for dlopening and calling. I tried making a little shared library for forking and it seems to work that way, but I don't know if I really want to create and maintain this C++ shared library just for this feature. 390332 is the old patch I crafted.

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: dancer-diary.el,v 1.92 2007/08/30 21:46:09 dancer Exp $