22 Sep 2006 (Fri)

00:04:15 # Life elserv maintenance. I've taken up elserve maintenance and decided to work on the bugreports. I've just now addressed all the problems, and all existing bug reports are now closed. There are probably more bugs, so I welcome bugreports. I am currently suspecting that es-demo isn't really functional.

07:12:06 # Life refit maintenance. I've tried to package 0.8, the new upstream version of rEFIt bootloader. However, I noticed that it requires EFI 1.1. gnu-efi package only provides something around EFI 1.0 or 0.whatever, and it needs upgrading. Hmmm..

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: dancer-diary.el,v 1.91 2006/06/15 15:14:10 dancer Exp $