16 May 2006 (Tue)

00:22:45 # Life wookey, BOF on embedded Debian. scratchbox 2, crossbuild.

03:09:28 # Life translation BOF.

05:40:07 # Life My wlan is dying quite often. It's a prism2 card. There seems to be some kind of error condition, and once it enters that condition, the number of error packets will just increase.

hfa384x_usbctlx_complete_sync: CTLX[3] error: state(Request failed)
prism2sta_commsqual_defer: error fetching commsqual
skb_p80211_to_ether: OTHER frame too large (2940 > 1500)
skb_p80211_to_ether: OTHER frame too large (2940 > 1500)
skb_p80211_to_ether: OTHER frame too large (2940 > 1500)
skb_p80211_to_ether: OTHER frame too large (2940 > 1500)
Junichi Uekawa

$Id: dancer-diary.el,v 1.90 2006/01/31 11:16:16 dancer Exp $