2 Mar 2006 (Thu)

08:20:53 # Life Filing bugs on portaudio. Portaudio license has a vague 'request' to submit changes to upstream, and some confusion has been running on whether this license is DFSG-free. It's actually in Debian as portaudio and audacity package. I've filed bugs to track these reports and find out what's come out of this discussion. 354898, 354899.

The bug was then later downgraded to wishlist by vorlon. I don't think the current status is good, but at least I've done my share, I'm not bothering to do any further myself. Leaving it to the maintainers and the upstream.

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: dancer-diary.el,v 1.90 2006/01/31 11:16:16 dancer Exp $