Daily blurbs Mar. 2004


daily blurbs

31 Mar 2004

22:23:05 # Today's hack Finally got something like a workaround for gamix. Check if the window exists before trying to save the window geometry. The real fix would be to get the window geometry before Window is destroyed, but doing that would need to delve deeper into the code.

27 Mar 2004

10:33:18 # Life gamix doesn't properly save the window size when .gamix/Config doesn't exist. (#240360) I guess it is caused by the GTK2.0 port. This will need some debugging.

20 Mar 2004

17:12:55 # Life It's coming of spring, and I seem to have caught a cold, for the last few weeks. I've recovered now. I'm planning on going to Brasil, and go to Debconf. Taking more than two weeks off in my work was a challenge, but I seem to have gotten it sorted out with my manager.

13 Mar 2004

01:53:30 # Life Been busy in real life. Touched a little bit of pbuilder. Bug 235237 which sounded very confused turned out to be already implemented with pdebuild-internal mode. pbuilder is crammed with features, that it needs some improvement in visibility and documentation.

7 Mar 2004

23:34:58 # Life Been busy with real life for the last week. Many pending tasks.

Junichi Uekawa

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