Daily blurbs Apr. 2009


daily blurbs

13 Apr 2009 (Mon)

08:22:56 # Life i386 cowdancer debugging. So far I have suspected LFS support in i386 to be breaking cowdancer, but I am now suspecting something changed in libc in sid for i386 (and not amd64).

12 Apr 2009 (Sun)

11:25:14 # Life i386 cowdancer debugging. People send many bugreports with different error messages. Please send the command-line to reproduce the error, and the full log, not the final line.

9 Apr 2009 (Thu)

23:45:16 # Life trailing whitespace. I didn't know, but git default scripts keep on warning me. So I now have show-trailing-whitespace set to t in emacs. That shows so many trailing whitespace which makes me want to fix.

3 Apr 2009 (Fri)

20:32:48 # Life Spring in Tokyo. Cherry blossoms are beautiful, but every time I tried to go hanami, it rained. Hmm...

Junichi Uekawa

$Id: 200904.html.en,v 1.5 2009/04/12 23:23:56 dancer Exp $